The Jingler
The Amazing Jingler is a simple device that clips on to the lead. Designed and developed by Stan Rawlinson Dog Behaviourist and Obedience Trainer (Doglistener).
The bells size and sound is unique. I have them all specially made so that I get the correct sound and vibration. There are three bells on every set and they are all silver coloured.
If you imagine that the Jingler is the opposite of a clicker. Whilst the clicker tells your dog when it has done something right, The Jingler indicates when it has done something wrong
I have used the Jingler to stop Jumping up, aid recall, walking to heel and some aggression using the OFF command. It also changes the level of respect the dog has for you
The technique reinforces and rewards good behaviour, and is non-rewarding for bad behaviour.
I also recommend using my own (Doglistener) leads as they are a specific length to allow the technique to be used effectively. My leads are specially made for use with the Jingler. They are made from super strong cushion web which is soft and gentle on the hands.
They have a D-clip for the Jingler to clip on. and an O-ring on the handle end which has multiple uses.
For more detailed information click Further Jingler Information + DVD Clip This will also allow you to view some video clips of the Jingler in action.
The Jingler is easier to work with and use if you also purchase the Jingler DVD. Which show the techniques in easy to follow steps. exactly how to train your dog using the Jingler. However, written instructions are always enclosed with your purchase.

This Is A Puppy Pulling Hard On The Lead Five Minute Later This Has Happened