Caring For the Older Dog

Caring For the Older Dog

Old dignified Dogjpg
Dogs Get Old But It Never Dims Their Love For You

Life Expectancy: Veterinary medicine like its human equivalent, especially in the area of geriatrics has made enormous advances, which have seen a dog’s life expectancy rise dramatically since the 1970s.

However recent research has shown life expectancy has dropped dramatically in the last 10 years.

I explain why this has happened and what you need to do to allow your dogs to reach a ripe old age (1) Shocking Kennel Club Research Dogs Longevity.

I believe that those shocking statistics are down to three areas that are causing our dogs to die 10% sooner than they did 10 years ago. We should be aware of what we need to do to help these dogs who are in the last stages of their life.

Unfortunately, the requirements to allow those dogs to live a healthy and comfortable life may sometimes be overlooked or not totally understood. Numerous surveys have found that many pet owners are not aware when their pet will become a senior citizen, after all, they do not get a pension or a bus pass to mark this important transition.

Therefore, the correct times to look at changes in lifestyle, food, and supplements that may help your dogs live far longer and happier, maybe sadly disregarded. Let’s initially look at how to age a dog in real terms. The old chestnut that states one dog year to every seven human years is one of many old wives’ tales that are often wrong.

As a general rule of thumb, it should be fifteen for the 1st year ten for the 2nd and then four years for every year thereafter. This is only an approximation. There is a chart that works on size, breed and weight that gives a more accurate picture than this.

If your dog is a rescue, then you may wish to get an approximation of age. this (2) How to Get an Approximation of Age Rescue Dogs should help.

There are more than 400 different breeds of dog in the world this statistic doesn’t take into account the numerous mixed breeds that are becoming increasingly popular.

Dogs age at different rates depending on size, breed and more importantly weight. A Great Dane would be classed as a senior at 6 or 7 years, whereas a small breed such as a miniature poodle would have to be almost twice that age to be classed as a senior. Weight also plays a major part in the calculation of ages.

Obesity: It is a simple fact that overweight dogs die younger. They have far more health problems than slimmer fitter dogs of the same age. Most of the problems come from three areas, overfeeding, exercise and neutering. Over-feeding and especially puppies is a recipe for disaster. Early neutering also causes bone problems and major problems such as obesity in later life, because it slows down the metabolic rate that burns calories.

Feed good quality food. The ones that you get in most supermarkets are not my kibble of choice. I use Raw Bella and Duke and Paleo Ridge Fish4Dogs for all my dogs. With that extra amount of naturally occurring Omega 3, I find it helps the joints perform better than the other types of Kibble. Click the picture to go to their site 

Superfit and healthy Working Cocker Gunner

Puppies that are overfed produce extra fat cells so they can store the excess calories.

Once these extra fat cells have been created, they stay with the dog for life and the dog is then going to be prone to obesity.

If the pups are overweight as pups; the extra weight can also put stress on the dog’s bones which may lead to hip and elbow dysplasia and other skeleton and joint problems.

The picture above is Gunner, a dog I bred from two dogs I owned. He was born on Easter Friday 2017 and was part of a litter of seven puppies. He is super fit he was my pick of the litter and he is a working cocker spaniel and works as a gundog along with my other 4 dogs

My dogs will run well over 100 miles on a working day. Weight is therefore not an issue keeping weight on can be which is why I always feed the best.

Exercise: Lack of exercise can also be a cause of obesity. Dogs need both mental and physical stimulation to stay healthy and fit.  Of course, the amount of exercise you give an older dog must be relative to the ability taking into consideration declining muscle tone and bone deterioration.

Some of the first signs of ageing is a tendency to sleep for longer periods, especially in a deep sleep.  A reduction in general activity and a loss of drive for previous types of stimulation, such as games with toys, chase, retrieve and tug.

 Neutering: I am not totally against neutering for the right medical reasons. I just cannot understand the clamour for neutering at all costs, because it is believed that it is better for the dogs. It is unnecessary, and in most cases, it has a detrimental effect.

I totally believe neutering in puberty is intrinsically wrong and is always bad for the dog’s overall well-being, both physically and psychologically. We should wait until the dogs are physically and mentally mature, then make the decision on whether to neuter them. However, it would be prudent to think long and hard.

There are a number of arguments for neutering adult dogs. These include marking behaviour, mounting, roaming, seasons, aggression where the aggression is shown to be hormonal, and some medical reasons. However, there are alternatives such as tubal ligation Vasectomy and ovariohysterectomy that will neuter without losing vital hormones.

It is worth reading my articles on neutering, before deciding to (3) Castrate or Spay The Dangers What always happens, and the vets and pro-neutering lobbies deny this. Spaying and castration slow down the metabolism, with resultant weight gain if not carefully monitored. A strict diet and an exercise regime need to be put in place if you do not want to end up with a seriously overweight dog. In many cases, some dogs only have to look at food and they put on weight. with all the resultant medical problems and early death.

It will also trigger conditions such as Cushing’s disease, Thyroid dysfunction, Arthritis, Cruciate ligament hip dysplasia and cancer to name just a few.

Common Problems of Ageing: As dogs move into their seniority period certain problems can arise. The most common is arthritis and general stiffening of the joints. Arthritis can occur in dogs as they move into middle age or through injury or illness. It can affect any joint, but most commonly the legs, neck and back (spine). I used to have a white German Shepherd called Kai who had arthritis and lameness in his back legs. This started to be a real problem; He was really starting to struggle

So I researched and tested a number of brands the one that came top of the pack by a long way was Winston and Porter. I started Kai on Winston and Porter’s MAX STRENGTH Plus Dog Joint Supplement. and was totally amazed by the results. Kai was running around almost like a puppy. Should we have this sort of treatment for humans as well? I am not easily impressed but I have to say Winston and Porter have given my dogs a totally new lease of life I was lost for words and the results came a short time after starting the supplement. 

Winston and PorterThese are the products I am happy to recommend.  As you may see on my website I do not have too many recommendations or adverts on my site.

I would have to really be bowled over before I recommend any product these is one of the exceptions. Click on the pictures to go to their sites

I sell the full dog range on my online site and in my shop is Sheen. Click on the picture left to see the online supplements

they manufacture a number of types of supplements that can be added to the food or given separately.

I personally add it to the food. The ones we are interested in this article are listed on the supplements page The ones for Joints are listed below.

MAX STRENGTH Canine Joint Supplement – Adult Working & Performance: An Innovative Dog Joint Supplement for Active Dogs, Working Dogs, dogs with stiff or tender joints or Older dogs. Great for Performance and Sports Dogs who are looking for that extra zing

MAX STRENGTH Plus Dog Joint Supplement. It has all the benefits of Max Strength but also contains Serrapeptase a Natural enzyme that really helps with stiffness effectively and soothes tender joints. Serrapeptase is a proteolytic enzyme produced by the silkworm which can make your best friend much more comfortable and able to go about their daily life more easily.

HIP and JOINT Rescue™ It contains a Quadruple Strength combination high measure of  Glucosamine, Chondroitin, MSM  and Hyaluronic Acid (HA).  It is important to say that for a joint supplement to be really effective all four of these ingredients should be present. Hip and Joint Rescue supports long-term hip and joint health and encourages mobility for your best friend.

HIP and JOINT Rescue PLUS ™ This is like the hip and joint rescue but with added Oooomph It is now one the most effective canine joint supplement on the market today.  It contains a Quadruple Strength combination of high measure of  Glucosamine, Chondroitin, MSM  and Hyaluronic Acid (HA) plus a natural ANTI INFLAMMATORY and PAIN RELIEVER called Serrapeptase.

I also use and recommend Fish4Dogs Salmon Oil and Garlic for Dogs you can also find these under my shop supplement page. (4) Dogs Supplements

Common Medical Problems: Such as hypothyroidism, which may be the cause of your pet slowing down. This is common in dogs especially after the dogs have reached four years of age and onwards, it is easily diagnosed and treated. Diabetes especially in dogs that are overweight is also common and easily treated. Two main causes are early neutering and overvaccination

Eyesight ProblemsDogs like humans get an age-related failing sight. Having said that the common misconception is when we see dogs with blue or cloudy eyes we think the dog is blind or has cataracts.

 In the main, this is more often caused by what is called lenticular sclerosis and does not affect the vision of the dog. Cataracts are white or opaque. Lenticular sclerosis is very common and often misdiagnosed by owners.  

Hearing: Again like humans, this tends to fail as the dog gets older. Normally you start to notice it when the dog gets startled easily when you come up behind, or it does not wake up when you are clumping around near its bed.  There is nothing you can really do about this. If you want to be able to call the dog back when off the lead you can purchase a vibrating collar they are not that expensive. You will need to train the dog to look at you when you activate it.

Fit But Ageing Foxhound
Fit But Ageing Foxhound

Help Your Dog Live Longer And Enjoy Old Age: Buy your dog a comfortable soft bed for its aching bones and joints. Memory foam can really help.

How would we like to sleep on a hard floor when we become old? Position it away from draughts and somewhere nice and warm, but make sure the temperature does not fluctuate wildly.

 As mentioned before obesity on failing muscles and arthritic limbs can exacerbate the problem. Older dogs especially if they are neutered do not burn off the calories as well as when they were fit and young. Therefore, diet is a very important area to look at. 

Regular Vet checkups are also a must to check for changes in the older dog. Ask the Vet to look at the dog’s teeth. Attention to dental care is very important. Conditions such as heart disease can result from gum disease or decaying teeth as the dogs build up tartar over the years. 

Some of the best teeth care treats for dogs are natural air-dried dog chews and especially Calves Hooves. Beef Scalp and Cows Horn see my (4) Natural and Ethical Air Dried Treats 

Incontinence: Canine cognitive dysfunction (Senility/Alzheimer’s) means that our dogs forget basic things including house training. It is no use berating or punishing the dog for incontinence, they are often terribly upset that it has happened, and it is never intentional.

Other reasons for incontinence are hormones oestrogen in females and testosterone in males, these can affect a dog’s ability to control the urethral sphincter which is muscular tissue near the base of the bladder. The sphincter acts as a valve, and age weakens it.

The production of these hormones naturally decreases as a dog ages, which is why this type of old dog’s incontinence may start as the dog reaches its senior period. Of course, castrated and spayed dogs are far more prone to this type of problem, as the hormones are created through the reproductive organs which in females are the ovaries and in males the testicles. These are removed during neutering, therefore, increasing the likelihood of incontinence as the dog ages.

Spayed or neutered dogs are more likely to develop the condition because their reproductive organs (which are responsible for the production of hormones) have been removed. More than 20% of spayed females are affected with urinary incontinence. Early neutering is one of the main reasons dogs become incontinent. There is a medical term for it “Spay Incontinence”.

Both male and female dogs can also be affected, with medium to large breeds being more prone to the problem.  The number of cases is likely to increase with the growing number of older dogs, advances in geriatric veterinary care and a significant amount of time pets spend indoors

An age-worn sphincter can also be the cause of incontinence. Both the above problems are curable Some medications and ailments can cause the dog to drink more water and be unable to hold it in its bladder. These include Cushing’s Disease and Diabetes, steroids and diuretics can also trigger this condition.

Grooming: Because the dogs have become old it does not mean that grooming should stop, it is an important routine that solidifies the bond between owner and dog, But also serves a purpose in a number of other ways, including stopping knots and tangles, alleviating shedding, tactile massage and removing thorns and other seeds.When grooming it is worth remembering that as the dog ages it may also get lumps, growths and warts because the skin also becomes less elastic and thinner it is prone to scabs, cuts, and scratches.

For grooming, I also use and sell the best grooming tools on the market called (5) Furminators Best Grooming Aid Available Make sure you groom gently and carefully and be mindful of possible lumps or scabs. Sometimes a gentle massage can help painful and aching joints. 

Finally, follow the last three commandments in this piece I wrote in 1993  called The Ten Commandments For Dogs and you will not go too far wrong.

The Ten Commandments of Dog Ownership

(8) Before you scold me for being uncooperative, obstinate, or lazy, ask yourself if something might be bothering me. Perhaps I’m not getting the right food or I’ve been out in the sun too long, or my heart is getting old and weak. It may be I  am just dog-tired. 

(9) Take care of me when I get old. You too will grow old and may also need love, care, comfort, and attention. 

(10) Go with me on difficult journeys. Never say, “I can’t bear to watch” or “Let it happen in my absence”. Everything is easier for me if you are there. Remember, regardless of what you do, I will always love you. 

©Stan Rawlinson January 2011

Regularly updated last update 2020

(1) Shocking Kennel Club Research Dogs Longevity.

(2) How to Get an Approximation of Age Rescue Dogs

(3) Castrate or Spay

(4) Dogs Supplements

(5) Natural and Ethical Air Dried Treats

(6) Furminators Best Grooming Aid Available

Comments (3)

  • deetrotman_251373

    Older Dogs
    Thank you for this article, the next best one to the vaccination one. I always rehome older dogs, and your point about seeing them off on that final journey is, I think, so very important – as is knowing when to help take that final journey.

    September 7, 2017 at 5:40 pm
  • Doglistener

    Older Dogs

    Thank you for your kind words and agree with your comments. Understanding when it is time to let go and being with them when that happens. I know it is hard but it is vital for both of you regarding closure, comfort and final acceptance.


    April 16, 2020 at 11:47 am
  • gl7197411_263388

    Difficult journey …
    When I adopted 1 1/2 yr old Daisy in 2001, I immediately promised her “I I’ll be with you on your last day.”
    22 Jul 18 – promise kept. Carried her into the building for our private cremation. “Oh, there’s a dinner close by if you want to go for coffee.” What? “I will never leave Daisy’s side!” Held her blanket in my arms for the 2 hours during Daisy’s cremation. Then the person in charge handed me a very nice wooden box, “Sorry for your loss.” The 3 hr drive home without Daisy laying next to me was a LONG ride. “Don’t cry because I’m gone, smile because it happened.” Miss her dearly.

    April 17, 2020 at 12:14 am

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