Why Are Dogs Dying Early?

Why Are Dogs Dying Early?

Our Dogs Lifespan Has Dropped by 11% In a Decade!

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Kennel Club Survey: I am of an age that remembers dogs who normally died of old age.

They now appear to die of cancer, liver, kidney disease, heart failure, and various other ailments,

Are you aware that over 50% of all dogs over 10 years of age die of cancer? Why? Hopefully, this article may shed some light on the problem

This article will show what I believe are the three most common reasons for this horrific decline in longevity. However, I believe the three reasons I have listed in the article are the main culprits.

The Research: The Kennel Club started the largest survey of its kind in 2014 culminating in the release of dog’s lifespan information in the back end of 2016.

It covered 191 breeds and in total 48,891 dogs were involved in the survey. Obviously, they were all pedigree dogs as currently the KC only deals with pedigree certification. Given the level of health screening done by many of the breeders of pedigree dogs, it is probably prudent to suggest that mongrels and designer crossbreeds may have even worse statistics.

What the survey found was that the average lifespan of a dog has come down from 11 years to ten years in just a decade.

That is a shocking statistic, as all the information we were given was that dogs were living longer than ever before. We were told that this was due to advanced veterinary procedures, preventative health care and balanced diets. It appears something has gone very seriously wrong.

So let’s look at the areas that I believe may have had a seriously detrimental effect on the lifespan of our dogs. I have listed three main culprits, there are others that can reduce life span though to cover them all would require an article 5 times longer than this, I will just mention a few Obesity, Bad Breeding, Lack of Excercise, Genetic Abnormalities and Tooth Decay.

It may appear silly to choose tooth decay but it is the most common disease in dogs, causing serious health problems to develop by the constant presence of oral bacteria flushing into the bloodstream through inflamed or bleeding gum tissue. The good news is that many of these conditions improve once the dental disease is resolved and good oral hygiene is maintained. Read (13) Dental Disease in Dogs

“There are 8.7 million species living on planet Earth. How many of them eat cooked processed food? And which species has seen a massive increase in chronic diseases?”

Neutering Dogs:  Neutering is the generic word for spaying and castration. This is a procedure that for some reason the general public believes is necessary for their pets to be subjected to this dangerous and invasive operation. They could not be further from the truth.

We know that vets can often increase the lifespans of terminally ill pets. However, some procedures also have the opposite effect? I believe one of the biggest culprits is neutering and especially neutering before maturity, also known as Paediatric Neutering. There is a large body of evidence that suggests that neutering is not the panacea for all problem behaviour, In fact, the opposite is almost certainly true.

Recent research has laid a number of cancers and serious long-term illnesses at the door of neutering. The endocrine system can be badly compromised. The resultant problems such as Cushing’s disease and thyroid dysfunction are increased dramatically. Aggression is often related to lack of socialisation, therefore, that aggression is fear-based. Neutering makes aggression increase not decrease.

Read these articles which is more in-depth than I am prepared to go in this article. (1) Overview of Neutering. (2) In-Depth, Problems Spaying and Castration

I believe we must change the almost automatic belief that neutering is the answer to all dogs behavioural and training problems, and look at alternatives such as hysterectomy or vasectomy that does not interfere with the hormonal system.

Neutering removes or seriously reduces three of the most important hormones in any mammal,  including humans.  The hormones involved are Oestrogen, Progesterone, and Testosterone. These are not optional extras like a satnav. Think very long and hard before having this procedure done.

Preventative Health Care: This really is a can of worms. Annual vaccinations are still occurring despite the fact that scientific evidence has proved them to be causing serious complications in some dogs.

These complications are life-changing and in some cases life-ending, and are well-documented.

vaccinations have DOIs that means (Duration of Immunities). ask yourself this very simple question?

How many times have you had the TB jab, How about smallpox, measles and chickenpox vaccines or MMR?  Other than the MMR which is normally given twice, all the rest are once.

All these vaccines create antibodies that generally last for life. Then WHY are we STILL vaccinating our dogs annually? I believe dogs vaccination should be renamed to immunisation because that is exactly what they do.

They create lifelong immunity from the core diseases. distemper, parvovirus and canine hepatitis.

It may surprise some people that the DOIs actually changed in 2010. The WSAVA (World Small Animal Veterinary Association)  BVA British Veterinary Association and the Vaccine Manufacturers recommended that all core vaccines should be administered no more than every 3 to 4 years.

Yet there are still Vets that are ignoring the vaccine manufacturers guidelines, and the recommendations of the BVA and WSAVA.

Why did the vaccine manufacturers change their DOIs? Simple, they were forced into it by the overwhelming scientific evidence that showed over-vaccinating dogs and cats was causing their immune systems to break down and these pets to become ill or die,

That created a situation that stimulated cancers to grow and numerous other medical problems, including sudden death. There are Vets that appear to still be recommending core vaccines are given annually, despite all the information to the contrary (3) City Vets Truro. They have changed their name to Cityroad Veterinary Centre, I wonder why.? UPDATE Cityroad Veterinary Centre has now changed their article to every three years for core vaccines. Pity it took me shaming them and nearly ten years since the WSAVA and BVA rules came into force.

They are one of many thousands of vets that are ignoring the guidelines from the vaccine companies. If you are a client of Cityroad on any other veterinary practice that is vaccinating your dogs with core vaccines annually I would ask them WHY?

There is a vaccine that is supposed to be given annually. Yet there is a growing concern and demand for it to be withdrawn. The vaccine in question is called Lepto4. Thousands of dogs across Britain are dying or suffering severe allergic reactions after being treated with this vaccine that was meant to protect them against what is in many cases a mild bacterial infection. Are you aware that there are over 250 strains of Leptospirosis? Lepto 4 only covers four of them.

What is telling is that Lepto2 the predecessor of Lepto4 was far less aggressive therefore adding 3 and 4 has caused the dramatic rise in vaccine-induced reactions. What makes it even worse is that Lepto3  is never seen in the UK so why is it part of the vaccine?

Where did the recommendation come from that states revaccination at 3 to 4 years is required? I know of no science that suggests that, in reality, science suggests that immunity lasts for the lifetime of the dog. I believe that it was probably created as a sop to the vaccine manufacturers and the vets who will have screamed their heads off at the loss of such a cash cow.

I will be writing an article about Lepto4. Many vets appear to be in denial over the use of this controversial vaccine. In the last two years, regulators have received 2,000 reports of dogs having suspected adverse or fatal reactions. These are just the tip of the iceberg. Many Vets do not report the adverse effects or the owners do not relate the medical problem with the recent vaccination.

these are two articles that will give you more information on the dangers of annual dog vaccinations (4) Overview Annual Dog Vaccinations and (5) In-Depth Annual Vaccinations.

Just look at the colours in this picture.

Dog Food: We are bombarded with adverts on television, magazines, radio and social media.

These adverts tell us just how good modern dog food is and how it is helping our dogs to live longer and healthier lives.

This is clearly not the case as the KCs research has demonstrated.

What we feed our dogs is critical to their well-being and longevity.

It is a multi-billion pound industry that in many cases is built on half-truths and in some cases outright lies.

Yes! There are good pet food manufacturers out there, who are ethical and honest. It is my belief that they are in the minority.

In America, the information on packets of pet food is far more informative than the same dog food sold in the UK.

Why the pet food standards agencies and the government allow this subterfuge to continue is beyond me. I can only assume it is those very pet food manufacturers and the Pet Food Manufacturers Association that lobbies heavily to keep the truth about the ingredients that goes into some of our pet foods hidden.

I have written a number of articles about dog food. (6) Bakers and Pedigree Uncovered  (7) Royal Canin, Hills Science Plan and Burns (8) Dog Food Health and Behaviour. This last one is related to the foods I personally tested and the rankings I gave them. Hills Science Plan had to be withdrawn in 2019 because of  Vitamin D overdose which can be very serious and can cause renal failure and death.

This is the Governments health warning website and lists the Hills dog food that has been urgently recalled. (14) Urgent Product Recall Hills Science Plan. yet most of the Vets still recommended it. Royal Canin is another Veterinary recommended dog food. It has so many additives, preservatives and artificial colourants in it yet it is classed as a premium dog food. Do the vets not read the labels? Or is it only the profit they read?

I have a Dog Store in Sheen. I do not sell any of the above despite the profit I could make. In fa In the end, I believe I have a moral and ethical need to only sell what I see as quality food and products to my clients.

The three areas I have highlighted, are in my belief responsible for some if not most of the reasons the lifespan of our pets is decreasing instead of increasing. In fact, I will not sell any product be it treats toys or food that has any artificial preservatives, colours or additives. There are other areas that may have an effect, breeding, exercise, regular checkups. socialisation and training, and lots of love, though probably not to the same degree as the food, vaccinations and neutering. Get these three right and hopefully, you will see your dogs living to a ripe old age.

Both the RSPCA and some Breeders are neutering puppies at six weeks of age. That totally ruins their future.  Please sign my (9) Petition to stop this barbaric practice.
Read more at (10) RSPCA and Breeders Neutering at Six Weeks.  This citation based on long term research with over 90.000 dogs proves how dangerous neutering is. (15) BMC Veterinary Research See my full range of totally natural (11) Air Dried Natural  Dog Treats.

This article is important please share it on all social media see the bottom of this page for social media links.

© Stan Rawlinson September 2016 Updated May 2020

(1) Overview of Neutering.

(2)  In-Depth Problems Of Spaying And Castration 

(3) The City Vets in Truro  

(4) Overview of Dangers  Annual Vaccinations

(5) In-Depth Annual Vaccinations

(6) Bakers and Pedigree Uncovered

(7) Royal Canin, Hills Science Plan and Burns Critical Review

(8) Dog Food Health and Behaviour

(9) Petition

(10) RSPCA and Breeders Neutering at Six Weeks. 

(11) Air Dried Natural  Dog Treats.

(12) Thanks to Bella and Duke for the 9.7 million species quote

(13) Dental Disease in Dogs

(14) Urgent Product Recall Hills Science Plan

(15)  BMC Veterinary Research Scientific proof of the harm that neutering is causing to our dogs

Comments (10)

  • smarston_252598

    Why Are Our Dogs Dying So Early?
    It’s going to take some time for most people to let go of the very intensively ingrained propaganda that vaccines prevent disease. ALL vaccines are ALL poison, ALL the time, in ALL doses. Those first “core” vaccines have killed and caused cancer, auto-immune diseases, allergies, etc., just like the yearly ‘boosters.’ The law of “survival of the fittest” is having the rug pulled out from under it, by rendering all unfit, via human intervention.

    April 14, 2018 at 10:27 pm
    • Doglistener

      I couldn’t agree more

       Ignorance and lack of research has destroyed many millions of our pets, and for no good reason. In America, they called it Fixed. How do you fix something that is not broken? Rank stupidity and an inability to understand that hormones are vitally important for all mammals they are not something to be removed because a vet tells you so. Madness, I sometimes despair at the ignorance and stupidity of some of our dog owners.

      August 31, 2018 at 8:42 am
  • ijechadwick_256245

    About my dog
    My dog is a male Springer Spaniel, worker type spaniel no pedigree papers, neutered at 6 months who has been vaccinated every year since birth with Canigen or Nobivac Lepto2 and Nobivac or Canigen KC. Also given Canigen or Nobivac DHP some years but not every year. He is now 12 years old, been fed on Pedigree Bite mixer 2 serving spoons with 1 pouch of Pedigree vital with jelly from pouches. Used to be fed once a day, got fatter in his mid years, then leaner in his older years so I now feed him twice a day. He has a few small fatty lumps, likely caused by the carbs/wheat in his pedigree bite. He still plays fetch ball like a puppy. No grey round his muzzle. Tend to do short sharp bursts of activity outside, then let him sniff around garden. Not happy around other dogs since he was set upon by 2 dogs in his youth but Is soft with visitors who come to house including builders etc, just wants to be petted by anyone.

    July 5, 2018 at 5:12 pm
  • Doglistener

    About my Dog

    There are always exceptions to the rule. Because your dog is OK does not mean that thousands of others do not suffer, The other thing is, of course, some people feel guilty about what they have done and bend the truth. Others have a vested interest. The truth is hormones are not optional extras…..  They are there for a very important reason. You should not mess with nature. On top of that, why are you vaccinating your dogs annually? The BVA and the Vaccines companies changed the Duration of immunity DOIs in 2010. It could not be because of the greedy Vets that are putting our dogs at risk because of financial gain? Perish the thought.

    August 31, 2018 at 8:28 am
  • [email protected]

    Vets and Food
    Hi Stan, I just want to let you know before i got my Lhasa apso nearly 2 years ago i did a lot of research online and was lucky to come across your website. I cannot tell you how grateful i am to have found you, your knowledge has been invaluable. Our Millie is such a happy doggy. I knew as soon as i took Millie to a vet they would push to have her spayed at 6 months so i was ready for them thanks to you. I also took your advise on food, she enjoys her food so much and the condition of her coat is great.
    I have to say when i got our first dog we were quite ignorant in 2002. Thank you and take care.

    September 12, 2019 at 10:50 am
    • Doglistener

      Vets and Food

      That you for your comments I have written nearly 150 articles many of them come 1st on Google. In all f my articles I only have the dogs best interest at heart.

      November 25, 2020 at 9:10 am
  • lizalborough_261883

    Arden grange wet sensitive dog food
    It is extremely difficult as you have mentioned to find a wet dog food without carrageenan in it. Usually described as seaweed extract. Would it be possible to have a list of dog foods that do not have this. I am about to try my rescued (Dogs Trust) lurcher cross on Arden grange sensitive wet food as I believe he has some sort of intolerance as he tends to scratch a lot ( no sore skin or lesions) and he has recently lost a bit of weight. He has seen his vet and we have increased his meals from twice a day to three. Currently on Lilys kitchen and Nature diet grain free. Interestingly, you say that potato can cause allergies yet Arden grange sensitive has a lot of potato in it. No signs of ill health. High active dog.

    September 22, 2019 at 1:08 pm
  • Doglistener

    Carrageenan is a contentious ingredient

    This is a list of wet food that currently DOES not have Carrageenan in it. It is not exhaustive and I would recommend contacting any manufacturer that you are considering buying from to check.

    Barking Heads
    Bob & Lush
    Millies Wolfheart
    Soopa Pets

    September 26, 2019 at 11:26 am
  • fionalake55_262328

    Safe Flea and Tick treatments
    In terms of safe flea and tick treatments; I have purchased the garlic supplement from Sheen Dog Store for my cocker spaniel and will give him small recommended doses as a preventative.

    What is the opinion on the Frontline spot on treatment on the skin?
    Or the Seresto flea and tick dog collars? which says;
    ‘it contains imidacloprid (which kills adult fleas and flea larvae in your pet’s environment and flumethrin. Imidacloprid is the active ingredient that diffuse into the lipid (fatty/oily) layer of your pet’s skin and fur and cover your pet within 24 hours. Re-infesting fleas are killed within 2 hours for 8 months.’

    Ingesting tablets from the vet looks to be harmful. As my dog gets diarrhea/vomitting after.
    Of course I want to prevent him from getting a dangerous tick, but I also want my dog to have a long healthy, natural life.

    July 9, 2020 at 8:42 am
  • Urbanfox

    As dog lovers we all want to do the best for our dog and vets use this and make people feel guilt if they don’t give their dog its anual booster vacine. I’m happy to say, my dog who is now 6, and hasn’t had any vacines since she was a pup and I don’t intend giving her any. She is also intact eventhough we don’t intend to breed off her.
    She has also been raw fed with a varity of food from 10 weeks old. There is loads of information out there if people care to look and digest the Info. Thank;s for a great read Stan.

    March 22, 2021 at 7:03 pm

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